Reddit & Ubisoft drop free NFTs

Reddit Rabbids, Solana Labs' ChatGPT plugin, and Ledger

GM Baos

In today’s Dumpling 🥟 we cover:

  • Reddit Rabbids

  • Solana blockchain + AI

  • Ledger’s open source roadmap

Reddit Rabbids 🪠

Reddit just dropped free Rabbids collectible avatars in partnership with Ubisoft. As I’m writing this, the Plunger Rabbid, Raving Rabbid, Traveler Rabbid and Unicorn Rabbid NFTs have already sold out.

Solana summer?

What can you do with it?

  • Purchase SOL NFTs

  • Transfer tokens

  • Check wallet balances

  • Find NFT collections based on floor price

The Solana Foundation also expanded its grant program by $10m to support projects at the intersection of the Solana blockchain and AI. This is in addition to their AI accelerator for university students, which was announced in April.

Ledger delays recovery service

Ledger is delaying Ledger Recover after learning a lesson in communication 👀

Ledger CTO Charles Guillemet tweeted about the company accelerating its open-sourcing roadmap. In his thread, he said that they will soon publish the whitepaper for Ledger Recover and give everyone the option to implement their own shard backup providers.

Made us Kek

