here's the best NFT food collab we've seen

Beanz take LA, Hugo x Imaginary Ones, & a note on mental health 💙

GM Baos, Cassidy here.

It's Monday today, you know what that means? That's right - juicy weekend news and a scary drop in OpenSea volume.

Today we cover:

  • The blue bean collab 😱

  • HUGO X Imaginary Ones

  • A note on mental health from Noah (@grunysweater) 💙

Beanz take LA

Sheeeesh, Azuki is making moves 👀

Yesterday they partnered with Chifa, a Los Angeles Puruvian Chinese restaurant, to bring blue BEANZ Gus to the Family Style Food Festival.

Zagabond (Azuki founder) told Hypemoon ,“The way people connect and congregate online has rapidly changed in the past years. Covid has accelerated this trend. That being said, breaking bread together taps into something deep within us and helps strengthen both online & in-person relationships,”

Gus was featured in three of Chifa’s dishes

  • Ceviche Con Leche de Tigre

  • Szechuan Pastrami Shao Bing

  • Gus-Aid (basil lemonade) 🥤

Also for sale were two Gus-themed items

  • Gus Cleaver 🔪

  • Gus T-shirt 👕

It’s amazing how food has the power to bring us all together 🫶


Another fashion giants dips their toes into the Metaverse.

HUGO (a HUGO BOSS sub label) has announced a long term collaboration with Imaginary Ones! An Asia-based NFT project featuring cute 3D animated art, and have a passion to spread love, positivity and creativity.

The purpose of the HUGO X IO collection is to encourage everyone to embrace their emotions—whether they're positive or negative. Both brands want to spread the message that all feelings are valid and should be expressed ❤️

Their “Embrace Your Emotions’ collection is set to release early November. And will feature five characters based on the human emotions: joy, love, anger, fear and sadness.

In honor of World Mental Health Day **(October 10), a 6th character that combines all five emotions will be auctioned for charity! All profits from the auction will go to Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM), a mental health program for students aged 13-17.

Much of the NFT space isn’t conducive to mental health, says Imaginary Ones co-founder Clement Chia. It’s male-dominated, and, “you have to grind all day, tweet all day, be active all day.” This collection is an extension of Imaginary Ones’s attempt to change this culture, catering to a younger, more diverse demographic.

World Mental Health Day

— A note from noaheim

Baos, today is World Mental Health Day, so that makes it better than any other day to put this reminder out there:

Growth isn’t always about leveling up.

Getting better as a human isn’t always about beating your personal bests or obtaining more resources.

It can also be slowing down to listen to what your body needs, shifting your focus when you no longer feel aligned with a goal, pruning your life of things that drain energy, setting boundaries, and taking the time to get to know yourself more deeply.

Always keep in mind that growth is never linear and “being better” is always subjective. Everyone is on their own journey, and there are no two that will ever look the same.

Comparing yours to others’ won’t provide any help in your journey. The only real value in comparison comes from reflecting on where you were a year ago to where you are now. It’s hard to be upset about where you are today when you’re miles ahead of the old you.

Don’t forget to allow yourself some time to rest!

—Noah (grungysweater)

Bao-Sized News

Made us Kek

Have a killer start to your week. Eat lots of food, and don't forget to touch grass.
