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  • An artist accelerator program by none other than... Mastercard? 🤭

An artist accelerator program by none other than... Mastercard? 🤭

Mastercard web3 accelerator, ICYMI Consulting Elite are Bullish, Moonbirds x Hollywood

GM Baos,

Particular GM to you if you're turning your out-of-office replies off this morning and tucking back into your web2 job. 

As part of my goals this year, I'm committing more blocks of time to staying up to date with high quality web3 reading. I've sneaked a teaser of a good read into this Dumpling. Enjoy!

Today we cover:

  • Mastercard launches web3 Artist Accelerator program

  • Consulting elite McKinsey are bullish on the Metaverse

  • Moonbirds come to Hollywood

Mastercard launches Web3 Artist Accelerator program

Mastercard announces the launch of their accelerator program to utilise the benefits of blockchain technology to support 5 artists in web3. The program partners with Polygon as their blockchain provider power the fan-driven artist experience.

The program covers the end-to-end process including:

  • Digital Branding

  • web3 education

  • Minting NFTs and ownership

  • Community engagement

Simultaneously, Mastercard will release the Mastercard Music Pass, enabling token holders access to exclusive web3 music educational materials, tool for collaboration and experiences in real life and virtually. 

Consulting elite McKinsey are bullish on the Metaverse

Just incase you missed this McKinsey report during 2022 let me remind you why I'm bullish and why YOU should be too...

"Its potential to unleash the next wave of digital disruption seems increasingly clear, with real-life benefits already emerging for early adopting users and companies..."

The report recently published collates surveys of 3,400 consumers, 13 executives and experts in the area. Their research strings together an overview of a lot of industries and all the technologies wrapped into the big buzzword 'metaverse', including: crypto, NFTs, web3, AI, and AR/VR.

What is the metaverse according to McKinsey? It must contain the following:

  • A sense of immersion

  • Real-time interactivity

  • User agency

They see the huge size of the opportunity and even in 2022 alone, significant leaps of investments and user uptake have paved the way for a bright future ahead.

McKinsey believe the value of metaverse to continue to grow exponentially as digital assets begin to appeal to the modern generation of consumers. Their forecast suggests an industry at the size of $4 to $5 trillion.

Read the full report here.

Moonbirds come to Hollywood

Moonbirds, one of the most successful NFT projects today announced a partnership with United Talent Agency, a global talent management company who have clients such as Johnny Depp, harrison Ford and Charlize Theron. 

UTA adds Moonbirds to their list of web3 partnerships including: CryptoPunks, BAYC, Boss Beauties.

Where the future will hold with the commercialisation of web3 IP continues to be discovered. What do you think are the possibilities for our jpegs in mainstream media?

Bao-Sized News

Made us Kek

We love seeing new Baos join the fam!

Double shot coffee for me this morning. Have a great week ahead.
